Fishing in the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park
The national park protects fish nurseries
As early as 1995, 48 species of fish were detected in the inner Bodden waters. The Bodden and parts of the Baltic Sea are fish nurseries. The undisturbed development of nature is also the focus of the national park under water. Therefore, rules for anglers limit interference with the underwater life of the protected area.
Where can I fish?
... from the water
In the Maintenance and Development Zones and in the Green Zone, fishing from a boat is permitted, depending on how the boat is powered.
In the Core Zone and in the Red Zone (Navigation Ordinance), fishing by anglers is generally prohibited. There is an overarching ban on trawling in the entire national park.
All informations for boat captains, whether they are fishing or not
... vom Land aus
Im Nationalpark ist das Angeln von Land aus nur an ausgewiesenen Stränden gestattet. Vor diesen Stränden darf auch im flachen Wasser mit Wathose geangelt werden. Außerhalb dieser ausgewiesenen Strände ist das Angeln vom Ufer aus und im Flachwasser davor untersagt. Das gilt auch für das Angeln in Wathose im Flachwasser vor diesen Stränden.
No catch & release, with the aim of releasing the caught fish after taking a photo is prohibited under the Animal Welfare Act. The only good reason to go angling is to catch some high quality food.
Know the fish sanctuary areas
In addition to the provisions of the Nature Conservation Law, fishing is restricted in spawning sanctuaries (for the period from 1 April to 31 May) and year-round in fish sanctuaries.