National Park Management

Why do people intervene in the national park?

Let nature be nature is the principle that unites all national parks worldwide. If general welfare or special species or habitats are endangered, humans must intervene, in exceptional circumstances, even in the protected natural world of the national park. Permanent visitor management is needed so that the experience of the national park does not impair the conservation of the sensitive nature in it.

Good reasons why people have to intervene in the national park:

Not interfering with the nature of the national park is also a form of management. Here, the original wilderness should be preserved. Sometimes initial measures are necessary before nature takes over.

The national park also includes areas in which the philosophy Let nature be nature” cannot be fulfilled because very special species and habitats need to be preserved. Due to the National Park Ordiance and international obligations.

There are still activities in the national park that have arisen historically, such as fishing. In dialogue with the relevant stakeholders, we seek mutually acceptable solutions to ensure the area is protected.

The protection of people from danger always has priority, including in the national park. For this reason, we take measures to protect against animal diseases and forest fires, as well as coastal conservation and traffic safety measures.

How do people intervene in the national park?

Visitor Management

Bohlensteg in Dünenlandschaft am Darßer Ort © L. Zust

Ensuring visitors stay on the right path...


Buchen im Kiefernwald © K. Bärwald

Is cutting down trees allowed?


Moorschutz im Osterwald, Erlenwald im Frühling, nass, Renaturierung im NAtionalpark Boddenlandschaft © J. Gehrt

Water for the moors

Open country

Hiddensee - Blick vom Dornbusch auf die Bessine, Wiesen, Sandhaken, Bodden © J. Reich

Grazing animals in action


Fischerboote im Nothafen Darßer Ort im Nationalpark © L. Zust

An historic tradition

Wild life management

Wildschwein mit Stockente im Strandsee Kernzone im  Nationalpark Boddenlandschaft © Klaus Haase

Is hunting allowed in the national park?

Coastal conservation

Luftaufnahmen Deichprojekt auf dem Ostzingst, Sundische Wiese © M. Harms

Protection of human life has priority.

Darsser Ort emergency port

Luftbild mit Strandsee und Sandbänken und Bagger in der Zufahrt zum Nothafen Darßer Ort in der Kernzone des Nationalparksothafen Darßer Ort © L. Storm

Healing the wound in the national park